Thursday, September 29, 2016

            A couple months ago my wife and I adopted a rescue dog from a veterinary clinic. The dog-still a pup-has become attached to my wife. My wife, always an early riser, is usually the one to let the dog-whose name is Tracy-out in the morning. Truth is, Tracy won’t go out for me. The other morning, however, was one of those rare occasions when I was up very early, before my wife. I was able to lure Tracy out of the bedroom with a biscuit and get the door closed before she could get back in, giving my wife some extra sleep.
            We have two coffee makers; a Keurig, for the times when only one of us is up, and a Bunn, for when we are up together. That morning I made my coffee in the Keurig. While I was enjoying my first cup, it occurred to me that the coffee I was drinking was for me only; it was mine and no one else’s. I know, no-brainer, right? But here’s the thing-at that moment I also realized coffee from the Bunn had a sacramental aspect to it. Here’s why.
            When my wife and I (and anyone else who happens to be visiting) drink coffee from the Bunn, we are sharing the one common pot; the one for the many (or at least, the two). Same thing with a meal, which is why meals had such significance in the Bible. That’s what the Passover meal was-one lamb for the many. That’s what Jesus’ sacrifice was too-one sacrifice for all humankind to share.
            And that’s why I said the common pot is sacramental. It is a visible sign of a spiritual reality; the one feeds the many. So the sacrament of the common pot (communion) isn’t necessarily limited to the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist or however your faith tradition defines and practices it. It is available anytime two believers share a meal. Or a pot of coffee. God’s presence is all around us; all we need do is recognize it, and celebrate.
            I believe God is really looking forward to the time when we will all share the wedding banquet together; much more than we can possibly realize. In the meantime, while we are asking God to bless our meals (or our coffee), why not invite Him to the table to share? He has, after all, invited us to His.


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